Ashly Patterson
TLE Coach
Coach Ashly Patterson is an armed forces wife and mother to 4 amazing boys. She is retired after 20 years serving as the Fitness Program Manager in The United States Air Force.
She was responsible for overseeing and conducting the entire wing installations Physical Fitness Program. She served as a consultant to commanders, providers, and unit individuals with administrative support. She provided training to PTLs and was in charge of documenting and ensuring the exercise, nutrition, and behavioral health education programs which were incorporated into the Air Force Medical Operations Agency which ensures they are Health Promotion Operations approved, making all service members FIT TO FIGHT.

Ashly’s health and wellness journey started in the early 2000’s and naturally overflowed into the civilian world by coaching people through health, wellness, nutrition and exercise within a company she was involved with for over 8 years. She met Michelle alongside this journey and followed her drive and dedication to fitness into what was formally called BishBodies and now, The Ladies Edge.

Her love for servings others has been a lifelong passion. She naturally completed her first degree in teaching then obtained a second degree in the field of Radiology. She is known and adored within The Ladies Edge for her authentic personality and commitment to her daily 23 minutes. She is very excited to continue her journey while helping inspire women from all walks of life to achieve their fitness goals alongside the beautiful coaches of The Ladies Edge.